Bahasa Inggris Akuntansi: Penyusunan Silabus


  • Dian Puspita Sari Dosen Politeknik Negeri Lampung



Implementation KKNI (Indonesian National Qualifications Framework) is an effort toimprove the quality and competitiveness of college graduates. Lampung State Polytechnic, as one of the vocational education, has the responsibility of creating learners who are ready to work both independently or fill existing vacancies. This can be achieved by improving the quality of process and product quality in the higher education system in particular Lampung State Polytechnic. Improved product quality can be achieved by determining the qualifications required of learners, especially those associated with the world of work. This study aims to: 1) formulating the English curriculum based Accounting KKNI 2) formulate a plan of lectures and 3) formulate a model of learning and teaching English KKNI based Accounting. Furthermore, this study will focus on the development of teaching materials and evaluation tools. The method used is qualitative descriptive. Data about the needs of students of English language competence acquired through 1) a questionnaire 2) interview 3) observations and 4) documentation. The participants involved from this study are Accounting students, alumni, chairman of the PS and stakeholders using graduate courses inAccounting. The results showed English language learning curriculum needs to providemore servings on reading and writing skills, because the language skills can help graduates have the necessary competence.Keywords: KKNI, needs analysis, learning model


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