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  • Penyerahan belum diterbitkan sebelumnya, atau sedang dalam pertimbangan jurnal lain (atau sebuah penjelasan belum disediakan dalam komentar kepada editor).

Panduan Penulis

Writing in the Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan in Indonesian or English with an effective and academic language style. The manuscript can be a discovery and an informative mind to support the development of Agro Industries. The script is typed on A4 relation with a distance of 1.5 cm and writing length ranges from 8-12 pages. The manuscript of the research result is prepared on the following sections:

The title of the article consists of keywords (variables) are important and interesting and not necessarily the same as the title of thesis / final project. We recommend avoiding the use of the word "study", "influence", "relationship", and "analysis". Written in English and Indonesia consists of 10-15 words. Indonesian titles are written in capital letters and English titles are written in lowercase and written italic.

The author's name contains the full name of the author (without title), institution / affiliation with full address and zip code, differentiating by coding *) between the student and faculty, and including the correspondence and e-mail of one of the authors.

Abstract, contains a brief description of the research objectives, methods, results, and conclusions in one paragraph. Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian for no more than 300 words using one space and accompanied by keywords that reflect the contents of the article. Keywords consist of 3-5 words and sorted alphabetically.

Introduction, in the background of the importance of doing or underlying hypotheses, the general approach and the purpose of the exercise and of the literature search.

The research method, contains an explanation of the materials and tools used, time, place, technique and experimental design.

Results and Discussion, presented briefly (assisted by tables, graphs and drawings). The discussion is a brief but clear review of the research results, and refers to the relevant literature.

Conclusions and Suggestions, are concrete results or decisions of the research undertaken and follow-up advice for subsequent research development materials.

The bibliography, listing all the libraries along with all the usual descriptions with the purpose of having readers in need can easily trace them.





The bibliography contains only the references in the article. Use the latest libraries (MOST LAST 10 YEARS LATEST), WITH PRIMARY BASE MORE THAN 80%.  Citation should use referencing applications such as MENDELEY, ZOTERO, etc.

The number of libraries used should be between 10-20 referrals and at least one INITIALLY REFERRED ON ONE NUMBER THAT IS PUBLISHED IN AN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH JOURNAL APPROACH. References are written using a Harvard system containing the name of the year arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name. Write the author's name up to 10 people, if more, write the names of the first 10 authors, then et al. The writing of a citation in an article is distinguished between writing at the beginning and at the end of the sentence in succession as follows, if the author is one person Hidayat (2014) or (Hidayat, 2014); if the author of two people Hidayat and Surfiana (2010) or (Hidayat and Surfiana, 2010); if the author is more than two people Hidayat et al. (2013) or (Hidayat et al., 2013).


Writing a bibliography follows these instructions



Meydiana, A, M. Barmawi, and N. Sa'diyah. 2015. Genetic Variability and Heritability of Soybean Agronomy Character (Gycine max LL) Generation F5 Result of Crosses of Released XB3570. Journal of Applied Agriculture 15 (3): 200-207.



Gibson, RS. 2005. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. Second Edition. New York: Oxford

            University Press. Sherwood L. 2011.


Articles in Proceedings:

Son, SP., Zulkifli, and ML Lande.2015. Study of Fresh Weight and Total Carbohydrate Content at Every Level of Banana Kepok Fruit Maturity (Musa paradisiacal formatypica). Proceedings of the National Seminar on Food Self-Sufficiency (pages 17-19). April 29, 2015. Lampung: Polinela.


Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation:

Safudi, I. 2016. Effect of Harvesting Time And How To Dry Patchouli On Rendement and Quality of Oil (Thesis). Department of Plantation Cultivation. Polinela. Lampung.



WHO. 2009. Key strategies for promotion of breastfeeding: Facts and Figures. World Health Organization Western Pacific Region. ashx/ NUT/Global + Facts + and + Figures.pdf [accessed April 9, 2011].



The order of loading of tables or drawings in accordance with the citation in the manuscript. Maximum number of tables and pictures is 8 pieces. Picture illustrations in the form of photos are included in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 100 dpi or a minimum file size of 50 kb per image. Illustration of graphic images must be accompanied by raw data (MS Excel). Table titles and images are written flat to the left, using lowercase except the first letter at the beginning of the title.

The full text is submitted to the editorial address of a total of 3 copies, one of which is the original manuscript accompanied by a soft copy.

Article submitted to the Secretariat Editor of Jurnal Perikanan Terapan with the address:

Secretariat Editor of Jurnal Perikanan Terapan

Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 10 Raja Basa Bandar Lampung; email:

Pernyataan Privasi

Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan di situs jurnal hanya akan digunakan untuk tujuan yang sudah disebutkan, tidak akan disalahgunakan untuk tujuan lain atau untuk pihak lain.