PKM Kelompok Penyedia Air Bersih di Kelurahan Keramasan Kecamatan Kertapati Palembang Sumatera Selatan


  • Masayu Rosyidah UM Palembang
  • Rizka Mayasari
  • Yasmin Yasmin


Keramasan Village is one of six villages in Kertapati Sub-district, Palembang. In this kelurahan, there is no clean water facility. To meet water needs, the local community only uses Keramasan river water for bathing, cooking and washing. This river water is not only used by residents for their daily needs, but also utilized by the rubber industry which disposes of the processing of the rubber industry in the river. During high tide, river conditions are the same as river water quality standards generally, but that becomes a problem when river water recedes, which causes Keramasan river water to be unfit to be used as a source of clean water. The problem is the unavailability of clean water according to standards, the lack of awareness of the community and industry that exist to safeguard the environment, especially the river, and the lack of knowledge from the community to manage safe Keramasan river water based on health standards. The method used in this activity is counseling about clean water, socialization of clean water management, and clean water management workshops. The expected output is to provide a real picture of the importance of maintaining environmental quality, especially rivers, providing alternative solutions to the need for clean water, increasing people's understanding of the requirements of clean water, increasing the ability of citizens independently in processing clean water and drinking water through the use of water management technology clean and drinking water, and increased comfort, tranquility and quality of public health


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