Desain Aplikasi Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Menggunakan Microsoft Access Pada Koperasi Rukun Tani
This study aims to designing financial report of Cooperative Rukun Tani Dusun Botol using Microsoft Access, and arranging transactions that occurred from the beginning of establishment in 2014. Data collection methods used are: field research, to collect primary data through: 1). Face-to-face interview, ie the researcher conducts interviews of Rukun Tani cooperative management; 2). Observations (observations), The results of Microsoft Access to Cooperative Rukun Tani Dusun Gunung Botol have been compiled: Statement of financial position 2014, income statement 2014, statement of equity 2014, Statement of cash flows 2014 and Notes to Financial Statements 2014.                       Keyword : financial statements, Microsft Access, CooperativeDownloads
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