Performa Ayam Jantan Tipe Medium Dengan Persentase Pemberian Ransum Yang Berbeda Antara Siang dan Malam


  • Khaira Nova Jurusan Peternakan, Universitas Lampung.



The present experiment was conducted to investigate (1) the effects of different percentage of ration between day and night to male chicken medium type performance, (2) the best level of percentage of ration that given during the day and night. This research was arrange  with 3 treatments and 6 replications, each experimental units consist of 16 male chicken medium type.  The treatmens were R1 (Ration that given 30% during day and 70% night); R2 (Ration that given 50% during day and 50% night); R3 (Ration that given 70% during day and 50% night).  The data were analyze by using Analysis of Variance in 0,05 significant degree. The result of this research showed that the different percentage of ration between day and night affected (P< 0,05) feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed convertion rate.  These result suggested that the ration which given 30% during  day and 70%  night is the best treatment influence feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed convertion ration. Key words : male chicken, ration percentage, day and night


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