Meretas Kemiskinan Melalui Kebijakan Dan Kelembagaan Ekonomi Sebagai Pilar Pembangunan Pertanian


  • Sutrisno Muhamad Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Program Studi Sejarah Gorontalo
  • Sastro M Wantu Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Program Studi Sejarah Gorontalo



This study examines the policy of reducing the problem of poverty as a result of social problems such as injustice and economic inequality that exist in society. For this purpose the research is to explain the efforts of local governments in making effective and open employment in the agricultural sector. This research tries its studies by using qualitative methods with the aim of analyzing poverty and efforts taken to overcome them through the agricultural sector in rural areas. The research is expected to generate new policies from local governments that need to strengthen agricultural development as the main source of employment providers. As well as eliminating social inequalities in society, especially for poor rural poor who should enjoy welfare, hence the development of agriculture as a solution to reduce the substance of poverty by eliminating deprivation to the needs of education and education Keywords: Hacking, Poverty, Policy, Development, Agriculture


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