Evaluasi Adopsi Teknologi Budidaya dan Kelayakan Usahatani Padi di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Kasus Desa Carawali dan Desa Salujambu)


  • Chairul Muslim Pusat Sosial Ekonomi Dan Kebijakan Pertanian. Kampus Penelitian Pertanian Cimanggu




Rice is a strategic commodity, because as a staple food and a source of income for most rural households. Application of cultivation technology plays an important role to increase production and productivity of wetland rice. Therefore, the application of technological innovation of recommendation at the farm level is a strategy in the program of increasing national rice production towards sustainable self-sufficiency. This research was conducted in 2016 in Sidrap and Luwu districts, South Sulawesi Province by survey method. Primary data were collected through interviews to 80 farmers respondents by filling out a structured questionnaire. The data were processed by cross tabulation and the feasibility level of farming was measured by Gross B / C ratio and profitability. The results show that the adoption of paddy technology at the farm level has not been fully recommended. The result of cost and income analysis obtained value of B / C more than one, mean paddy field farming in research area give advantage and economically feasible cultivated. Keywords: Participation, Self-Sufficiency, Technology, Rice Farming


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