Perancangan Purwarupa Penghitungan Ketinggian Air Sungai Berbiaya Rendah


  • Aniessa Rinny Asnaning Politeknik Negeri Lampung / Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian
  • Septafiansyah Dwi Putra Politeknik Negeri Lampung / Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis



The process of managing the water gate periodically is to monitor the water level by the officers manually. This  water level is  monitored  manually  and  manually  recalled. Thismethod is certainly not effective, given the risk of data that is monitored is not accurate and can be lost if manually direkap. Because disaster warnings should be done quickly and responsively. Generally the measurements performed by the water supply personnel requireconsiderable time. The development of Internet of Things (IoT), which continues to increase in both scale and its application gives solution opportunities to anticipate the problem. Theresearcher's approach approach is to design realtime water level monitoring and record it automatically into the system. This paper presents models and prototypes of real time level water  level  monitoring  on  a  conventional  water  gate  system.  This  research  is  amultidisciplinary of information system science and water resource management science. Test results show that low cost devices are capable of having errors of 0.65% and lowerprocessing time of 92.7% compared to conventional data processing. Keywords : Flood, Water Managment, IoTTheprocessofmanaging thewatergateperiodically is to monitor the water levelby the officers manually. This  waterlevelis  monitored  manually  and  manually  recalled. Thismethodiscertainlynoteffective,giventheriskofdata thatismonitoredisnotaccurateand canbe lost ifmanually direkap. Because disasterwarningsshouldbe done quickly and responsively.Generallythemeasurementsperformedbythewatersupplypersonnelrequireconsiderabletime.ThedevelopmentofInternetofThings(IoT),whichcontinuestoincrease inbothscaleanditsapplicationgivessolutionopportunitiestoanticipatetheproblem.Theresearcher'sapproach approach is todesignrealtime water levelmonitoringandrecord it automatically into thesystem.Thispaperpresentsmodelsandprototypesofrealtime level water  level  monitoring  on  a  conventional  water  gate  system.  This  research  is  amultidisciplinaryofinformationsystemscienceandwaterresourcemanagementscience. Testresultsshowthatlowcostdevicesarecapableofhavingerrorsof0.65%andlowerprocessing time of92.7%comparedto conventionaldata processing. Keywords: Flood,WaterManagment,IoT


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