Uji Coba Mesin Panen Padi (Combine Harvester)Di Lahan Pasang Surut


  • Sulha Pangaribuan Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Sudirman Umar Balai Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa
  • Anjar Suprapto Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Harmanto Harmanto madya (BBPSDLP)




SwampTidal land with a litle labour for harvesting could product stacked on field. Stacked producton filed after harvesting will decreasing of the quality and quantity of rice. Rice harvesting doing at same time on large area with limited labor will be caused highly damage rice product. The purpose of this activity is to test the ferormance of the new rice harvesting machine and of the combine harvester machine in swam tidal land. Combine harvestingmachine test was conducted at Kebu PercobaanHandilmanarap, Banjar District of South Kalimantan on September 20, 2016. The test material used Inpara-2 varieties of rice crops. The test field conducted in swamp tidal land type C which a land that is irrigated in small tides only. Land conditions during test on dry season with water level ± 5-6 cm. Condition of land is below the soil surface is still soft with most areas having a soil hardness of 1.00 kg / cm2. Harvest using a combine harvester machine performed 3 times replication on the area of plot testing ± 500 m2. {alting pattern of Inpara-2 rice in tidal land with tile system (25 cm x 25 cm). The test of performance of machine base on the standard of testing of ICAERD and refers to Indonesian Standar (SNI). The parameters observed were as as follow : speed, effective field capacity, working width, number of grain threshed / minute, cleanliness of grain, yield shrinkage, broken grain, working effisiensy . The test results for the performance test showed that at 111 cm cutting width and cutting rod height 42.93 cm with forward speed 1.63 km / h, the working capacity 7.87 hours / ha. Density of plants 25 clumps / m2 does not affect the work of the cutter bar and rotation of the thresher cylinder. With a very high per minute cylinder per minute = 1000 rpm, the number of rods fed into the threshing cylinder does not affect the performance of the thresher. Number of grain threshed / minute 8.20 kg with good grain level 94.38% and broken grain 2.18% and loses of product 2.85%. working efficiency of machine  63.53%. Keywords: mini combine harvester, tidal land, rice


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