Uji Kinerja Prototipe Mesin Panen Padi Indo Combine


  • Anjar Suprapto Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian, Serpong
  • Sulha Pangaribuan Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian, Serpong
  • Titin Nuryawati Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian, Serpong




Harvesting is a critical stage in rice cultivation. When it was late, the quality and quantity of the rice will be decreased and damaged. Constraints faced in the development of rice harvester in Indonesia are rare harvest labor, easy-to-lose rice crops, and narrow and flabby land. The purpose of this research is to do the  performance test of Indo Combine harvester machine prototype that has been produced by the Indonesian Center of Agricultural Engineering Research and Development. Performance testing is performed to obtain work capacity, field efficiency, and yield loss on soil and crop conditions during harvesting. Testing has been done in Kabupaten Karawang. The test results showed that the working capacity of the machine is 5.59 hours / ha or 0.18 ha / hour and the fuel consumption is 14.91 l / ha with the average value of the working width of 1.2 m and the road speed of 1.98 km / hour. The theoretical capacity is 0.26 ha / hour so that the field work efficiency is 68.84%. The yield losses in the feeder averaged by 2.51%. Ground pressure of the prototype is 0.13kg / cm2, so the prototype of combine harvester can operate even in the rainy season. Based on the test results, it can be said that the prototype of Indo Combine rice harvester has functioned well. Keywords : Indo Combine, performance test, rice harvester.


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