Pengaruh Konsentrasi Benzil-Adenin (BA) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sedap Malam (Polyanthes Tuberose L.) Kultivar ‘Wonotirto’ Pada Fase Vegetatif


  • Rugayah Rugayah Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Unila
  • Setyo Widagdo Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Unila
  • Nuriman Putri Jurusan Agroteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Unila



Tuberoses flower (Polyanthes tuberose L.) is an ornamental plant of cut flowers that are popular after chrysanthemum and rose. This plant is generally propagated by tubers and splittings. But both tubers and tillers have a dormancy period so that they need for storage so that when planted quickly appear buds. This research was conducted with the aim to know the influence of Benzil-adenine (BA) concentration on vegetative growth of sedap malam cv 'Wonotirto'. This study was designed in a completely randomized block design with 6 ranges treatment (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 ppm) concentrations repeated 3 times. The observed data were analyzed variant and continued with orthogonal polynomial test at 5%. The results showed that BA with various concentrations did not significantly affect all observation variables, but at concentrations of 40-80 ppm there were indications of better plant growth compared to other concentrations, especially at BA concentrations of 40 ppm almost all the canopy growth variables were highest . The average results of observations on plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, greenishness, number of tillers, height of tillers, and number of leaflets in the concentration of BA 40 ppm the highest relative value. Observations on root growth both in length and number showed a linear pattern trend, ie the higher the concentration of BA, the value is increasing. Observation on the number of buds, the concentration of 60 ppm has the potential to produce the largest number of shoots. Keywords:Tuberoses flower, concentration, benzyl-adenine, vegetativeTuberoses flower  (Polyanthes tuberose L.) is an ornamental plant of cut flowers that are popular after chrysanthemum and rose. This plant is generally propagated by tubers and splittings. But both tubers and tillers have a dormancy period so that they need for storage so that when planted quickly appear buds. This research was conducted with the aim to know the influence of Benzil-adenine (BA) concentration on vegetative growth of sedap malam cv 'Wonotirto'. This study was designed in a completely randomized block design with 6 ranges treatment (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 ppm) concentrations repeated 3 times. The observed data were analyzed variant and continued with orthogonal polynomial test at 5%. The results showed that BA with various concentrations did not significantly affect all observation variables, but at concentrations of 40-80 ppm there were indications of better plant growth compared to other concentrations, especially at BA concentrations of 40 ppm almost all the canopy growth variables were highest . The average results of observations on plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, greenishness, number of tillers, height of tillers, and number of leaflets in the concentration of BA 40 ppm the highest relative value. Observations on root growth both in length and number showed a linear pattern trend, ie the higher the concentration of BA, the value is increasing. Observation on the number of buds, the concentration of 60 ppm has the potential to produce the largest number of shoots. Keywords:Tuberoses flower, concentration, benzyl-adenine, vegetative


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