Pengaruh Beberapa Komposisi Media Tumbuh in vitro terhadap Pertumbuhan Plantlet Kentang Varietas Granola


  • Asih . K. Karjadi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
  • Nurmalita Waluyo Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran



The use of in vitro techniques for vegetative propagation purposes is the most advanced area in tissue culture techniques. Propagation of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L) in vitro has several advantages that are disease-free, rapidly produce in large quantities and can be done throughout the year. The aim of the study was to look for growing media compositions for Granola plantlets that could increase the growth of potato cuttings in vitro in a relatively short time. The research was conducted at Tissue Culture Laboratory of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute in April until  September 2015. The treatment is A = growth media composition A1 = MS + coconut water 100 ml / l + sugar 40 g / l., PH 5.7; A2 = MS + Myo inositol 100 mg / l + folicacid 1 mg / l + CaP 2 mg / l + putrecine HCl 10 mg / l + sucrose 30 g / l, pH 5.7; A3 = MS + Myo inositol 100 mg / l + GA3 0.1 mg / l + sucrose 25 g / l, pH 5.7; A4 = MS + GA3 0.15 mg / l + sucrose 25 g / l, pH 5.7; B = growing media density, M1 = semi-solid, agar 3 g / l; M2 = solid medium for 6 g / l. The design used Randomized Block Design, each treatment was repeated 10 times and planted 2 explant each consisting of 2 nodus in reaction tube 25 x 200 mm with 10 ml media volume. Observation result of growth, statistic analysis between treatment solidity and media composition there is no interaction. Visually the growth of Granola plantlet varieties on different solid and solid media, plantlet growth on A3 medium (MS + Myo inositol 100 mg / l + GA3 0.1 mg / l + sucrose 25 g / l, pH 5.7) was the best when compared with other media compositions. Keywords: potato (Solanum tuberosum L), plantlet, MS medium, solid, semi solid.


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