Teknik Pemberian BAP dan Pembatasan Jumlah Bunga Terhadap Gejala Penyakit Virus di Dataran Tinggi


  • Neni Gunaen Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
  • Rini Rosliani Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran




Botanical seeds of shallot or TSS (True Shallot Seed) is one potential alternative technologies are developed to solve the problem of seed shallots in Indonesia. Constraints faced in producing seed TSS is a viral disease that can be carried by seed, in addition umbels of shallot and seed formation is still low. The study aims to suppress the symptoms of the virus by determining the techniques of BAP and restrictions on the amount of interest on the shallot in the highlands. The activities carried out at the experimental Indonesia Vegetable Research Institute  with an altitude of 1250 m above sea level from April to November 2013. The experimental design used is randomized factorial design with two factors repeated 3 times. The first factor (A) is a technique of giving the dossier consists of: 1. (A1). 37.5 ppm BAP application by watering at age 1.3 and 5 MST with a total volume of 43.2 L. applications (A 2). Applications BAP 37.5 ppm by soaking before planting and watering the age of 1 and 3 MST with a total volume of 29.5 L. applications (A 3). Applications BAP 37.5 ppm by immersion to before planting the applications total volume 7 L. The second factor (B) is a limitation of the amount of interest consisting of: (B 1). Maintenance of all the flowers. (B 2). Floriculture from 4 initial phases (start the fifth phase discarded). (B 3). Maintenance interest of the second phase - the fifth (the first and sixth phase discarded). (B 4). Floriculture phase of the second, third and fourth (and fifth early phase discarded etc.). The results showed that: (1). No interaction granting Benzylaminopurine (BAP) and the maintenance of the amount of interest to the suppression of symptoms the virus in the onion. (2). Giving BAP 37.5 ppm, soaking befor planting, application of 1.3 and 5 MST, total vol. 29.5 L and a maintenance phase of 2-4 tend amount of interest can affect the incidence and intensity of symptom suppression virus in the onion although 95% initial seed before planting infected with  the virus OYDV and SYSV by Elisa test. Keywords:  Allium cepa var. ascalonicum ; Virus Disease, BAP; Number of Flowers.


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