Pengaruh Penambahan BAP Dan GA3 Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunas in Vitro Tanaman Kentang (Solanum Tuberosum L)


  • Asih K. Karjadi Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran
  • Nurmalita Waluyo Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran



Potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L) is included in the family solanaceae and is one of the prioritized vegetable crops. The study was carried out in a tissue culture laboratory at the Vegetable Crops Research Institute in April until September 2014, the purpose of the study to see the effect of increasing the growth hormone of BAP and GA3 on the growth of in vitro buds of potato plants. The treatment was in vitro cultivation of varieties of Granola on MSMA MS + MS vitamin + supplement (coconut water 100 ml / l + Calcium panthotenate 2 mg / l + Myo inositol 100 mg / l + sukrose 30 g / l + to 6-6.5 g / L, pH 5.7), as the growing media treatment plus BAP (0; 0.5; 1 mg / l) and GA3 (0; 0.05; 0.15; 0.20; 0.25 mg / l). The design used, Randomized Block Design with 10 replications. The results of plant growth observation are (1) the growth of explant shoots is always faster than the nodus, (2) the addition of BAP in MS media increases the number of books and plant height, (3) the result of statistical analysis of GA3 addition in MS medium has no significant effect. Visually the addition of GA3 with a concentration of 0 - 0.15 mg / l is the best for the growth of Granola potato plant varieties in vitro. Keywords: Potato (Solanum tuberosum L), In vitro Plant, BAP, GA3, MS


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