Rancang Bangun Ketel Suling Bersekat Horizontal dan Vertikal


  • Ersan Ersan Politeknik Negeri Lampung




Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) is a tropical shrub oil producer (patchouli ioil) andhas centuries used as fragrances (perfumes), incense or incense (incense), repellent,medicines, mosquito coils, compost, mulch and materials fuel; also aromatherapy. Patchoulioil industry in various areas including Lampung Province, but difficult to grow due to several problems, among other things as a result the quality of patchouli herb cultivation, distillation extraction process produces a lower yield (1-2%), low oil quality (content of patchouli alcohol <30 %), materials handling patchouli herb requires a lot of time, space, shelving, and labor. The study aims to get the kettle flute design with a divider that produces models in a kettle temperature of> 100 ° C and a high rate of condensate, which will be capable of producing patchouli oil with a yield of> 3% and patchouli alcohol content of> 30%. The method is to make a prototype of a refinery and test-piloted at various temperature and pressure treatment, on the model of the three bulkhead horizontal and three vertical bulkhead. The initial stage of design is obtained kettle flute with bulkhead horizontal and vertical bulkhead capable of reaching temperatures 100-140o C distillation pressure 1.5-4 bar. Condensate rate comparison test showed no consistent pattern showed by the increase in temperature or pressure. Distillation at 110 and 125° C showed that the rate of condensate horizontal bulkhead is higher than the vertical bulkhead, while at a temperature of 140° C shows a vertical bulkhead produce condensate rate is higher than the vertical bulkhead.Keywords : Boiler distilled patchouli, three horizontal bulkhead, three vertical bulkhead, the rate of condensate.


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Mahasiswa Semester V. Program Studi Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan. Politeknik Negeri Lampung.

Tidak dipublikasikan.

Guenther, Ernest. 1961. The Essential Oils Volume III. D. van Nostrand Co. Princeton, New Jersey.


Manoi, Feri. 2009. Perkembangan Teknologi Pengolahan dan Penggunaan Minyak Nilam Serta

Pemanfaatan Limbahnya. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik. p:44-55

Wikipedia. 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patchouli. Last modified on 30 March 2013 at 00:25.

Wiyudatara. 2012. Pengaruh Pemberian POME dan SP36 Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Rendemen Nilam

(Pogostemon cablin Benth). Skripsi. Politeknik Negeri Lampung.




