Potensi Penggunaan UV-Visible Spectroscopy dan PLS-DA untuk Membedakan Kopi Luwak dan Bukan Luwak


  • Meinilwita Yulia Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Diding Suhandy Laboratorium Rekayasa Bioproses dan Pasca Panen, Jurusan Teknik Pertanian Universitas Lampung




The process of discrimination between origin coffee and civet coffee is very important to prevent counterfeiting civet coffee, especially in the form of powder. In this study we used the method of UV-Visible Spectroscopy and PLS-DA method for classifying two types of coffee that civet coffee and regular coffee (not the mongoose) of Robusta coffee types. Spectral data retrieval is done using a UV-VIS / NIR spectrometer (Jasco Corp., Tokyo, Japan). PLS-DA method was then used to build the model calibration and validation for the determination of the type of coffee. The results show that the model calibration PLS-DA has a value of R2 = 0.99, indicating a very strong relationship between the actual and predicted the type of coffee. RMSEC also very small value of 0.05. Validation of calibration models using full cross validation method also produces the coefficient of determination (R2), which was very high at 0.99 with a bias that is very small in the amount -0004. These results indicate that the model of PLS-DA has been successfully built and tested to make the process of discrimination civet coffee and coffee instead mongoose with very satisfactory results.Keywords: Civet coffee, UV-Visible spectroscopy, discrimination,


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