Kriteria Perancangan Mesin Panen Jagung Berdasarkan Karakteristik Fisik-Mekanik Tanaman Jagung Siap Panen


  • Radite P.A. Setiawan Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB
  • W. Hermawan Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB
  • Agus Sutejo Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB
  • Agus Sutejo Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB
  • Andriyana Andriyana Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB
  • Banyuaji Banyuaji Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem, FATETA, IPB



Development of the corn combine harvester is needed in support of food self-sufficiency program in particular Pajale program (Rice, Maize and Soybean). Currently the paddy harvesting machine (combine harvester) imported from China and Japan as well as adaptation of domestic rice harvest machines (such as Quick products) already known and introduced in the community either through the provision of government assistance programs as well as procurement by the private sector and farmer groups. However, research related to the development of the design of corn combine has not been done in Indonesia. Though the presence of corn harvester machine is needed. Corn combine introduced today is modified from rice harvesting machines (i.e. by CMG Ltd, BB-Mektan, etc.) but the reliability and performance is questioned because corn stalks are harder than in rice. The research in this paper is the basic and applied research to support the development of special designs corn harvester. Medium-term goal of this research is to support government programs, especially the corn commodity in Pajale program. The method used in this study was the measurement of the physical and mechanical properties of the plant and the corn associated with the processes in the corn harvesting machine. Measurements of these characteristics carried out in the field and in the laboratory. The physical characteristics are plant height, stem size, the number of plants per hole, planting distance. The corn physical characteristics include: high of cobs from the land, the length, diameter ofthe cobs. While the mechanical characteristics include tensile strength and compressivestrength of the stems of plants, plant flexural strength, shear strength of the stems, tensile strength of the cobs, force to release the husk, force to thresh the corn, and the force to break the cobs.Keywords: corn combine harvester, characteristic of maize plant, mechanical properties of maize


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