Pemacu Pertumbuhan Alami pada Broiler
The study aimed to determine the effect of probiotic, prebiotic and eubiotic addition on broilers to the appearance of broiler production. The material used was 100 broiler chickens, which were kept since the Old Chicks Day until the age of 4 weeks and distributed in 4 groups, namely probiotics, prebiotic and eubiotics. The research method was experimental compiled based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments in ji are as follows: control group (without any addition), probiotics, prebiotic and eubiotic. The variables observed in this study are feed consumption; weight gain (PBB); feed conversion; carcass weight, carcass and mortality. The data obtained were analyzed using variance analysis and if there were differences between treatments. The results showed that the addition of probiotics, prebiotic and eubiotics increased weight gain, and increased consumption and were able to reduce the ration conversion value Keywords: Growth booster, broiler Disubmit : 13-08-2018; DiterDownloads
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