Uji Kualitas Air Hujan Hasil Filtrasi untuk Penyediaan Air Bersih


  • Aniessa Rinny Asnaning Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Surya Surya Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Andy Eka Saputra Politeknik Negeri Lampung




Rainwater is an alternative source of clean water that can be utilized by the community for their daily needs. Collected rainwater even though it is not too polluted, but if it falls through the roof of the building, it still requires effort to purify it into clean water. The simple use of water filters is needed to purify the collected rainwater. The filtering material is gravel, sand, coconut fiber, and activated charcoal arranged in series. Based on data from 2009-2017 obtained the average monthly rainfall of 13.4 mm, so that the potential of collected rainwater from the roof area of 96.72 m2 is 0.91 m3. Test of rainwater quality that fell initially had a temperature value of 27.5  0 C, pH 4.4, the turbidity of 10 NTU, total dissolved solids of 178 ppm, the hardness of 3.69 mg / l, content of heavy metals such as iron  <0.11 ppm and lead <0.021 ppm and total coliform 6.1 MPN / l. Filtered rainwater quality have an increase in the pH value of 7.96, the temperature of 28 0 C, and reduce the value of,  the turbidity of 2,02 NTU and total dissolved solids of 20,48 ppm. Filtered rainwater can be  used as clean water by Permenkes No. 416/MEN.KES/PER/IX/1990 concerning Terms and Supervision of Water Quality. Keywords: rainwater, filtration, clean water


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