Legowo 2:1 Row Rice Planting System Field School as an Effort to Increase Rice (Oriza Sativa) Production


  • Nataliningsih University of Winaya Mukti
  • Tuti Gantini Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Winaya Mukti, Sumedang Regency, West Java 45362
  • Nunung Sondari Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Winaya Mukti, Sumedang Regency, West Java 45362
  • Euis Dasipah Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Winaya Mukti, Sumedang Regency, West Java 45362
  • Gijanto Purbo Suseno Indonesia Cooperative University, Faculty of Economic and Business, Sumedang Regency, West Java 45362
  • Tatang Mulyana Agribusiness Masters Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Winaya Mukti, Sumedang Regency, West Java 45362
  • Ani Aas BP3K Sindangkerta District, West Bandung Regency, West Java 45362



The rice production improvement program is carried out to meet the needs and food security of a country, the results of cultivation and post-harvest innovations are delivered in agricultural counseling to be implemented by farmers in an effort to increase their agricultural yields .  One of the results of innovation is how to grow rice with the legowo row 2:1 planting system can be socialized to farmer groups through Field Schools so that farmers can more easily understand and participate in practical demonstrations in the field as part of their experience. The research uses aquantitative approach, and a type of explanatory research type survey research that highlights the causal relationship between research variables and tests the hypotheses formulated. The subject of the study was the Sindang Kerta farmer group, West Java, with a total rice field area planted with rice as much as 2,396 ha by 90 farmers. This study used 2 types of variables, namely free variables and bound variables, each of the variables studied was a free variable 1 (X1) is the institutional or dynamic of farmer groups, the free variable 2 (X2) is a  row legowo 2:1rice planting system, and the bound variable is an increase in rice production produced (Y).   The data obtained were analyzed using SEM PLS. The results of the description of the farmer group institution show that the average value is >4.01, which means that the farmer group institution is very good, Based on the values of path coefficients or path coefficients, the resulting structural equation is as follows: Y = 0.631 X1 – 0.152 X2 which means that group institutions have a positive effect while the legowo row  2:1  planting system has less influence on the production of rice produced.   Key word: Planting system, farmer group, yields


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Author Biography

Nataliningsih, University of Winaya Mukti

Dr. Ir. Nataliningsih, M.Pd. was born in Madiun on December 25, 1961, Education level that has been taken: Faculty of Agriculture on Agricultural Product Technology Study Program graduated in 1986, Masters in Nonformal Education Study Program (Agricultural Extension Concentration) graduated in 2005, Doctorate in Nonformal Education Study Program (Agricultural Extension Concentration) graduated in 2009. Work history: after graduating from the Bachelor of Agriculture Program, the author became a lecturer at Jenderal Sudirman University, Purwokerto, and is now a lecturer at Winaya Mukti University, Bandung in the Agribusiness Study Program, in the field of Agricultural Extension. The experience of writing books is more related to practical manuals, namely: Organoleptic Test Practicum, Post-Harvest Physiology, Agricultural Product Technology, Horticultural Product Technology. Books The course modules are: Agricultural Extension Courses, Rural Sociology, Nutrition and Food, Business Planning, Decision Making Theory, Organoleptic Tests and Agricultural Product Technology for private use. Books that have been published are Participatory Counseling for Women Farmers Groups (2017), Agribusiness Strategic Management (2018). Both of those books obtaining Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) (IPR). Experience writing journal /proceedings of seminars, both nationally and internationally from 2014 are: a. The Impact of Training on the Implementation of Milk Collection Point Mobile (MCPM) in South Bandung Livestock Cooperative Bandung, West Java, Indonesia IOSR Journal in Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) 5 (1), 44-50 (2021) b. Income and Efficiency Analysis of Ciherang Rice Farming (Case Study on Wargi Saluyu Farmers Group in Ciparay Village, Ciparay District, Bandung Regency) Journal OrchidAgri 1 (1), 46-53 (2021) c. Analysis of Rank Spearman in Excellent Service Management in Cooperative journal of The Social Science 48 (3), 858-866 (2020) d. Agricultural Extension Performance Reviewed From the Perspective of Competence, Motivation and Work Environment. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, 12187-12194 (2020) e. Determining Factors in Improving Poor Family Food Security and Allocation of Food Consumption Cost Based on Indicators Status of Children's Nutritional Status. International Conference on Agriculture, Social Sciences, Education, Technology and Health (ICASSETH 2019). Atlantis Press (2020) f. EXPLANATION OF PROCESSING PRODUCTS WITH RAW MATERIAL DUCK FOR INCREASING INCOME OF DUCK FARMERS IN SUKAMANAH VILLAGE, RANCAEKEK DISTRICT, BANDUNG REGENCY Abdimas Scientific Journal of Community Service 1 (1), 89-96 g. BUSINESS ANALYSIS OF THE PROCESSING OF TIMBER yam into ACI, RASI AND COOKIES IN IMPROVING THE FOOD SECURITY OF WOOD FARMERS. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agrotechnology, 2019 Vol. 1 h. BALANCE SCORECARD IN COOPERATIVE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS (Case Study on Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) Bayongbong Garut Regency, West Java) Journal of Industrial Management and Logistics, Vol 2.No.2. December 2018. i. Optimizing Growth of Toddler Children Through Nutrition Counseling published in Advances in Health Sciences Research Email address: ISBN 978-94-6252-543-6, ISSN 2468 -5739 (2018). j. Experiential Learning Implementation Based on Joint Responsibility in Women's Cooperative Development (Case Study on Farmer Women Cooperative, Sumedang, West Java) published at the 2017 GCEE Conference, publisher of AIP Conference Proceeding volume 1887 in 2017, k. Cooperative Learning in Extension of Participatory Agriculture, Vol. 88. September 2016 Advance in Social Education and Humanities Research ISBN 978-1-5108-3598-6, l. Impact of Nutrition Counseling on Changes in Attitudes of Women's Farmer Groups Vol. 4, No 4, August 2016 Community Empowerment ISSN no 2338-9257, m. The Impact of Mushroom Processing Extension on Increasing the Income of Vocational Farmer Groups ISSN 24769002, n. Organoleptic Properties of Vegetable Shredded with Raw Materials Oyster Mushroom, Banana Heart and Breadfruit Vol. 1, no. 1 October 2015 Vocational ISSN 24769002, o. Management of Participatory Agricultural Extension for Beginner Farmers' Groups Vol. 1 No. 2 July 2014 Composite ISSN 9548-2089.   Extension/training experience, namely: a. Socialization of Presidential Regulation No. 16 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods and Services (in 2018), b. Since 2009, he has become a permanent national instructor for LKPP (Government Goods Service Procurement Policy Institute) in the context of socializing the RI Presidential Decree 80 of 2003, RI Presidential Decree No. 54 of 2010, RI No. 35 of 2011, Presidential Decree No. 70 of 2012, RI Presidential Decree No. 4 of 2015, as well as Regulation of the Head of LKPP No. 2 and 3 of 2010, Regulation of the Head of LKPP No. 4 and 5 of 2012 until now. c. Counseling on Food Nutrition for Toddlers to representatives of PKK mothers in Bandung Regency 2017, d. Extension of Mushroom Cultivation and Processing in Langensari Village, Lembang Bandung 2016, e. Agricultural Extension on Duck Farming and Processing in Rancaekek District 2015, Extension on fish processing in Citomi Subang 2014


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How to Cite

Nataliningsih, N., Gantini, T. ., Sondari, N. ., Dasipah, E. ., Suseno, G. P. ., Mulyana, T. ., & Aas, A. . (2024). Legowo 2:1 Row Rice Planting System Field School as an Effort to Increase Rice (Oriza Sativa) Production. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 24(2), 296-306.


