Organic Waste Processing as Organic Fertilizer and Social Investment Impact of Community Development Program on Prabumulih Waste Bank


  • Desi Aryani Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sriwijaya
  • Iwan Arissethyadi PT PLN (Persero) UID S2JB
  • Yanet Rustam PT PLN (Persero) UID S2JB



The Mobile Waste Bank Program is one of the PT PLN (Persero) UID S2JB TJSL Program’sas an effort to empower and develop community potential, so that there is an increasedincome through productive activities, along utilizing existing resources to makeeconomically valuable and beneficial to the community. The objectives of this article are to:describes the processing of organic waste into compost and ecoenzymes; and analyze theimpact of social investment resulting from the Prabumulih City Mobile Waste Bank programfunded by the PT PLN (Persero) UID S2JB TJSL Program. The research used wasqualitative and quantitative research method. The sampling method in this study was apurposive sampling technique which was carried out on 15 resource persons. All the stagesthat must be passed in this research refer to the six phases of the SRoI analysis study methodin the guidelines issued by the Social Value UK organization, namely: establishing scopeand identifying key stakeholders; mapping outcomes; evidencing outcomes and giving thema value; establishing impact; calculating the SRoI; reporting, using and embedding. Theresults of organic waste processing at BSP are compost and ecoenzymes as an organicfertilizer. Ecoenzyme is also used as ingredients for making environmentally friendlycleaning products such as dishwashing liquid, hand washing, and bodywash. Based on theresults of the SRoI analysis of the Mobile Waste Bank Program in the Prabu Ijo CommunityGroup in Prabumulih City, it shows that the program is worthy to implement. The results ofSRoI analysis provide value of 1.12. The investment input value is IDR 506,000,000, for oneyear calculation has produced a social benefit achievement value that is equivalent of IDR568,538,142 financial value. It is necessary to increase the portion of impact that is greaterrelated to economic activities and business development impact.


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How to Cite

Aryani, D., Arissethyadi, I., & Rustam, Y. (2024). Organic Waste Processing as Organic Fertilizer and Social Investment Impact of Community Development Program on Prabumulih Waste Bank . Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 24(2), 201-213.


