Testing Some Varieties Of Soybean With Organic Fertilizer In Ultisol Soil, Aceh Southeast Regency


  • Syariani Tambunan Universitas Tjut Nyak Dien Langsa
  • Nico Sebayang Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang
  • Neni Marlina Universitas Palembang
  • Bambang Sugiyono Baristand Palembang
  • Joni Phillep Rompas Prodi agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Palembang
  • Rosmiah Rosmiah Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiah Palembang
  • Iin Siti Aminah Prodi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Muhammadiah Palembang




Test Several Soybean Varieties with Organic Fertilizer in  Ultisol Soil,  Aceh Tenggara District.  Soybean production in dry land dominated by Ultisolsin Southest Aceh Regency is still low, namely 1.57-1.58 tonnes ha-1, to increase soybean production, the provision is by planting high yielding superior varieties and providing organic fertilizers which  are able to improve soil fertiliyby donating NPK nutrients.  This study aims to test several varities of soybeans by applying organic fertilizers. The research was conducted in Gulo Village, Darul Hasanah  Subdistrict, which took place from June to October 2019.  Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) was used with 8 combinations of 4 replications.  Factor 1: Organic fertilizers, namely without and organic fertilizers.  Factor 2: Several varieties, namely Anjasmoro, Bio Soy 1, Bio Say 2, Devon1 .  The results showed that the treatment of organic fertilizers with the Bio Soy 2 variety increased the weight of 100 seeds 166.67%, followed by organic fertilizer with the Bio Soy 1 variety, which was 155.56% when compared to treatment without organic fertilizer with the Devon 1 variety.  Furthermore, the soybean varieties Bio Soy 2 and Bio Soy 1 have the potential to be developed in the dry land of Southeast Aceh Regency by appllying organic fertilizers.


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How to Cite

Tambunan, S., Sebayang, N., Marlina, N., Sugiyono, B., Phillep Rompas, J. ., Rosmiah, R. ., & Aminah, I. S. (2022). Testing Some Varieties Of Soybean With Organic Fertilizer In Ultisol Soil, Aceh Southeast Regency. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan, 22(3), 258-266. https://doi.org/10.25181/jppt.v22i3.2178




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