About the Journal

JoASCE (Journal Applied of Science and Chemical Engineering) : is an open national journal of scientific research articles that publishes articles in the fields of science and chemical engineering. This journal invites academics, students, researchers, and practitioners to publish their articles and also provides a forum to share their works, experiences, and knowledge on current topics related to chemical science and engineering.

JoASCE is published byTeknologi Rekayasa Kimia Industri (Industrial Chemical Engineering Technology), Politeknik Negeri Lampung. It is published two times a year on May and November.

The author must ensure the submitted manuscripts in accordance with the Focus and Scope. Authors can submit manuscripts using an online system. Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the guideliness and templates. Writing guidelines and templates can be downloaded at this website. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to journal contributions.

JoASCE submitted manuscripts are checked using a similarity software of Turnitin to prevent plagiarism.

Focus and scope of the journal are:

  1. Energy and Conversion Technology
  2. Chemical Reaction Technique, Chemical Kinetics, and Catalysis
  3. Transport Phenomenom
  4. Chemical Engineering Operating Unit
  5. Designing, Modeling, and Process Optimization
  6. Separation and Purification Unit
  7. Material Technology, Material Development, New and Advanced Material
  8. Food Technology and Bioprocess
  9. Chemical Process and Industry
  10. Industrial Fieldwork

Noted: Articles have primary citations and have never been published online or printed before.