Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Kader Perempuan Untuk Pembangunan Di Desa Sumberjaya Kecamatan Way Ratai Kabupaten Pesawaran


  • Rahayu Sulistiowati Universitas Lampung
  • Yulianto Yulianto
  • Selvi Diana Meilinda
  • Syamsul Ma’arif


Various research results show that women's participation in development has been low. The low level of knowledge and understanding of development cadres, especially women because of their low capacity, including the understanding of gender equality and justice. The low level of knowledge and understanding of gender justice and equality will have an impact on the low access, participation, control and benefits of women in development. For this reason, a number of trainings are needed to increase the capacity of women cadres to improve development. This training was carried out in Sumberjaya Village, Way ratai Subdistrict, Pesawaran District. After the Training of Women Cadre Capacity Building for Active Participation in Development in Sumberjaya Village, Wai Ratai Subdistrict, Pesawaran District, it was found out that there had been an average increase in participants' understanding of 12.9%. Although these results only show an increase in participants' knowledge, this activity contributes significantly to laying the foundation of understanding for development cadres to become active participating cadres.


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Darwin, M. 2015. Negara dan Perempuan: Reorientasi Kebijakan Publik. Jogyakarta: Graha Guru.

Fakih, Mansour, 2016, Gender dan pembangunan, Pustaka pelajar

Noerdin, E. 2008.Representasi Perempuan Dalam Kebijakan Publik di Era Otonomi Daerah.Jakarta: Women Research Institute.


