Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (Bumdes) Di Kecamatan Buay Bahuga, Kabupaten Way Kanan


  • Nana Mulyana Universitas Lampung
  • Anisa Utami Universitas Lampung
  • Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung Universitas Lampung


BUMDES are business entities, with the aim of seeking profit that will be used as much as possible for the benefit of the village and the community. As with other forms of business, BUMDes cannot automatically become a large business, and generate billions in turnover. There are several stages that should be followed to build a strong foundation for BUMDes. This needs to be done to avoid BUMDes mangkrak or roads in place. Article 25 Permendesa No. 4 of 2015 states that BUMDes' management strategy is gradual taking into account the development of innovation. In this case, the optimal capacity of the village apparatus is needed, this has not been found at the location of the activity. The formulation of the problem that can be formulated is: (1). The low capacity of village government officials in managing BUMDes, and (2). The low capacity of village government officials in utilizing BUMDes. The target group in this service was the village apparatus of the Buay Bahuga Subdistrict, Way Kanan District which included the Village Head, Village Secretary and village operators. This activity is carried out by method; (1). Lecture, (2). Simulation or practice, and (3). Case discussion. This activity is carried out through training in the management of BUMDes for the village government with material covering the conceptual and technical aspects of BUMDes, so that it is expected that the village officials who participate in these activities can have better capacity


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