Penyuluhan Pengaturan Produksi dan Penguatan Jejaring Pemasaran Komoditas Sayuran


  • Sutarni Sutarni Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Bina Unteawati Jurusan Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Politeknik Negeri Lampung


The objectives of community service are (1) Increasing the knowledge and skills of members of the Farmers Group in Makmur in managing the production of vegetable commodities, (2) Increasing the knowledge and skills of members of the Farmers Group Like Makmur in Increasing value added and the quality of commodity sales products vegetables through management of product handling, packing, labeling of fresh and processed products, and (3) Increasing the knowledge and skills of members of the Farmers Group of Makkah in managing marketing of vegetable commodities so as to increase sales volume. This counseling activity will be carried out in Nambah Rejo Village, Kota Gajah District. The solution offered in this counseling is implemented through several methods, namely the group meeting method through lectures, discussions, guidance, exercises, and hands-on practice and demonstration ways. The knowledge of farmers participating in PKM regarding the regulation of vegetable commodity production has increased from the low to high categories. PKM participating farmers' knowledge of good handling of vegetable commodities has increased from the low to high categories. PKM participating farmers' knowledge about strengthening the marketing network of vegetable commodities has increased from the low to high categories. The distribution channel for the marketing of vegetable commodities in the PKM area is done in 2 ways, namely direct and indirect distribution channels through intermediaries. PKM participant farmers who have implemented a regulation on vegetable commodity production are still low, reaching only 15.78%.


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