Peningkatan Nilai Tambah Lada Melalui Diversifikasi Pengolahan Sebagai Upaya Penguatan Subsektor Hilir Di Lampung Timur


  • Dayang Berliana
  • Shintawati Shintawati
  • Sudiyo Sudiyo
  • Agizka Ria Supriyatna


The training aims to improve skills in diversifying the processing of black pepper both horizontally and vertically namely training in making (a) green pepper in a salt solution (b) pepper oil (c) pepper balm. The target partners of PKM activities are 19 KWT members in the village of Sukadana Baru, with 19 participants. The implementation method is carried out with two activities, namely preparation and training. PKM results show that the knowledge and skills of Lotus KWT members in Desa Sukadana Baru about making (a) green pepper in a salt solution (b) pepper oil (c) pepper balm increase from the low to the high category.


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