Komunikasi, Informasi Dan Edukasi (KIE) dan Teknik Penanganan Penyakit Jembrana Pada Sapi Bali Di Kampung Kesuma Jaya, Bekri, Lampung Tengah


  • Dwi Desmiyeni Putri Dosen Jurusan Peternakan / Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Nurhayati Nurhayati
  • Karunia Maghfiroh
  • Cintia Agustin Patria


The typical Bali cattle disease is Jembrana, has caused the death and illness of livestock in Bekri District, Central Lampung. This disease is very disturbing for farmers because it can be transmitted and spread quickly and widely. This disease can also cause a decrease in the production and quality of the meat. Based on data from Dinas Peternakan dan Perkebunan Lampung Tengah, up to the period of 2nd February 2019 Jembrana had caused 161 bali cattle to be slaughtered due to illness and 13 of them died. Knowledge of farmers about Jembrana disease is still not optimal and does not yet understand the proper prevention techniques and control patterns. In addition, the limited treatment can be a threat to spread the disease quickly and widely. The solution to this problem is the need for communication, information, and education efforts and technical direction of prevention and control of Jembrana disease to farmers and the community so that diseases can be handled properly. It also needs to be done controlling blood-sucking vectors that can transmit disease as well as disinfection of the cage and the environment. Antibiotic treatment and roboransia must also be done. Community service activities Communication, Information and Education and Jembrana Disease Management  Bali Cattle are carried out in Kesuma Jaya Village, Bekri District, Central Lampung. This activity was attended by around 40 people from livestock groups and the community. The activity consisted of counseling, discussion and treatment for Bali cattle with a population of around 60. High enthusiasm from pawitan mulya livestock groups to hold further coaching and cooperation with the Department of Animal Husbandry of Politeknik Negeri Lampung and Dinas Peternakan dan Perkebunan, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah.


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