Bimbingan Teknis Produksi Padi Pandan Wangi Pada Kelompok Tani Inti Tani Lestari Desa Teladas, Kecamatan Dente Teladas, Kabupaten Tulang Bawang


  • Jaenudin Kartahadimaja
  • Eka Erlinda Syuriani
  • Anung Wahyudi
  • Ari Wahyuni


Rice is the main food ingredient for the Indonesian population, with increasing demand. Food shortages in a country will cause economic, social and political insecurity that can shake challenges. Lampung is one of Indonesia's rice-producing provinces with a production of 1.90 million tons of dry milled rice. One of the rice producing districts is Tulang Bawang Regency with a production of 40,929 tons of Dry Grain Grain (GKG). Inti Tani Lestari Farmer Group is a farmer group of rice farmers in Teladas Village, Dente Teladas District, Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province. The area of rice fields managed by the group is 100 hectares which can produce 520 tons of rice each planting season. Low yield potential in this farmer group is because the varieties they planted are low yield potential, the technology applied is also still simple. Fragrant pandanus rice is a type of paaaaaadi that has high potential with very good quality rice. The use of superior varieties of fragrant pandanus is an alternative solution that can be applied to increase farmers' incomes. The problem is (1) Farmers have never done Pandan Wangi rice cultivation; (2) Farmers have not mastered the Pandan Wangi rice cultivation technique to produce quality rice. To overcome the problems mentioned above are (1) Through counseling; (2) carrying out technical guidance for planting Pandan Wangi by making demonstration plots of Pangi Wangi variety in the field owned by group members. The results of rice cultivation activities carried out by farmers after going through the activities of guidance and technology transfer from the PKM team, showed excellent plant growth and development. This is proof of technology transfer.


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