Penerapan Irigasi Tetes Emiter Tali Sebagai Alat Fertigasi Pada Budidaya Semangka di Desa Sidosari Kecamatan Natar Lampung Selatan


  • I Gde Darmaputra Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Muhammad Idrus
  • Iskandar Zulkarnaen
  • Aniessa R Asnaning


An excellent opportunity to develop watermelon farming to increase farmers' income and welfare is wide open. For this reason, Community Service Activities for Lampung State Polytechnic lecturers are needed to transfer emitter drip irrigation technology as an irrigation tool and fertigation for watermelon cultivation to the Subur Tani Farmer Group in Sidosari Village, Natar District, South Lampung Regency, which is held from July to November 2018. The application of rope emitter drip technology as an irrigation tool and fertigation for watermelon cultivation will increase the quantity and quality of watermelon fruit production which is dominated by grade A and will ultimately increase the income and welfare of farmers. The implementation of rope emitter drip irrigation as a means of irrigation and fertigation on watermelon cultivation to target group farmers requires activities of professional socialization and escort (mentoring) through demonstration plots and monitoring and evaluation to find out the target of increasing the quantity and quality of watermelon fruit production business/members of farmer groups. The results of community service activities regarding the application of rope emitter drip irrigation as a fertigation tool for watermelon cultivation showed that the average increase in knowledge and skills of the target group farmers was quite high, 61.00% and 68.75% respectively. The interest of the target group farmers to apply drip irrigation technology as a fertigation tool on watermelon plants also increased which reached 60%. Fertigation by using rope emitter drip irrigation can increase the production of watermelon fruit in grade A fruit size category from 37.78% to 67.60% or increase fruit production weight by 109.3 kg from 378.8 kg to 488.1 kg.  


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