Pemberdayaan Wanita Tani Dalam Penyusunan Sop Produksi Dodol Di KWT Sekar Wangi Sekincau Lampung Barat
The purpose of PKM is to find out the characteristics of the respondents and improve their knowledge and skills in the preparation of the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the production of dodol in various variations of vegetable commodities. The target partners of PKM activities are KWT Sekar Wangi members in Waspada Sekincau village, West Lampung, with a total of 15 participants. The method used in the implementation of PKM is the method of elucidation and demonstration. The method of preparing SOP and packaging of various packages on various dodol products that have been produced. The results of PKM activities are an increase in knowledge in receiving counseling material from the initial evaluation 34 (low) increased to 70 (high), and increased skills in the preparation of SOP production of dodol squash, tomatoes, and coffee.Downloads
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