Polinela Smart Market-Place untuk Penguatan Jejaring Kluster Rantai Pasok dan Bisnis Berkelanjutan


  • Fitriani Fitriani
  • Sutarni Sutarni
  • Bina Unteawati
  • Dewi Kania Widiawati
  • Dayang Berliana


Polinela Smart Market Place is an innovative business strategy approach in building a food agro-industry processing market center. Polinela Smart Market Place is a business start-up that uses information technology-based marketing strategies and transformation of final product handling. The existence of Polinela Smart Market Place has been initiated by the Agribusiness Management and Analysis Laboratory is a market terminal for student practice learning. The existence of Polinela Smart Market-Place is very strategic in moving the business chain and becomes an important node in resolving the problem of limited market access for industrial partners who are small-scale food processing actors. The existence of Polinela Smart Market Place acts as a training center and business incubator for students and alumni to become start-up entrepreneurs (business start-ups) in the digital age. The method of implementing the activity uses the teaching factory approach. The purpose of this activity is to produce quality products with end handling packaging technology to increase access expansion and market reach using information technology. This activity produced a teaching factory unit in the form of the Polinela Agri-food Center, and launched a new brand registered at the Directorate General of HaKi. The market place called agrishoppolinela and could access at http://www.agrishoppolinela.com.


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