Pelatihan Produksi Massal Larva Maggot Sebagai Pakan Alternatif Bagi Kelompok Pembudidaya Ikan Air Tawar Kelurahan Labuhan Ratu Raya Bandar Lampung


  • Rietje J.M Bokau Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Pindo Witoko Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Tutu Petrus Basuki


Feed is one of the important aspects of increasing the yield of fish farmers. This is also an important problem for the group of freshwater fish farmers in Labuhan Ratu Raya Village, which is one of the villages that includes Labuhan Ratu Subdistrict, Bandar Lampung. Overcoming high feed prices can be done by making fish feed independently. The main problems in the availability of continuous raw materials with adequate quality as well as a fish meal, where fish meal is of high quality at a high price while the low-cost ones are of low quality. These problems can be followed up by looking for simple technologies that are easy to implement, relatively inexpensive costs using local materials/waste, to produce fish feed ingredients. Mass production of maggot using industrial, and agricultural waste, market waste, or restaurant waste as maggot growth media. This training includes activities to guide knowledge on maggot benefits, demonstration of maggot culture using palm kernel cake media and conducting maggot culture independently. The training results showed that members of this group were able to carry out the culture process well and produce maggot larvae which were used as substitutes for commercial feed or as additional feed, to reduce commercial feed use by up to 50%.


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