Pemanfaatan Limbah Industri Fillet Patin Untuk Produk Usaha Makanan Kreatif Pada Umkm Kejora Desa Margaagung Jati Agung Lampung Selatan


  • Nur Indariyanti Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Adni Oktaviana
  • Riris Yuli Valentine


One of the activities of the economic community in the village of Marga Agung is the Kejora UMKM which is engaged in the cassava-based processing industry. The problem faced by partners is the continuity of raw material availability and market competition. Solution to deal with these problems so that MSMEs continue to exist and increase in economic development, it is necessary to diversify the products produced. The Community Service activity aims to improve the economy through diversification of fish processing from the waste of catfish fillets. One of the processed products that can meet these criteria is skin crackers and Shredded fish with waste-based raw materials from the industrial production process of processing catfish fillets in the Lampung area produced by PT. Central Proteina Prima in Tanjung Bintang District. The material provided includes the selection of raw materials for product processing and packaging techniques. The evaluation results obtained after the activity are the average level of mastery of the raw material selection method with a score of 72, the ability to carry out processing practices 70. Partners have also been able to package and market the processed products locally. MSME income through this activity also began to show results. The benefits that produced through processing crackers from waste pangasius fillets can reach 50-80%, depending on the products produced.


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