Pendederan Ikan Nila dengan Sistem Mina Padi di Desa Tribudi Sukur Kecamatan Kebun Tebu Kabupaten Lampung Barat


  • Pindo Witoko Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Dwi Puji Hartono Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Epro Barades


Tribudi Sukur Village is one of the villages in the Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung. Community fishing activities in Tribudi Syukur Village are accommodated in several Fish Cultivator Groups. Utilizing the potential of the region that is very supportive with the existence of existing water sources continuously throughout the year can be one of the important inputs in tilapia hatchery activities. The use of limited ponds makes the production of seeds produced still unable to meet market demand both from the quality, quantity and continuity of production. The potential that can be exploited from this situation by looking at the condition of natural resources in Tribudi Sukur village, where there are many rice fields with available water sources throughout the year, is to use the rice fields as a medium in the nursery of fish larva. Therefore, community service activities need to be done to provide solutions. The application of integrated technology between rice cultivation in rice fields and fisheries is by applying the Mina Padi cultivation system can be one solution. Methods of community education, consultation and mentoring are the three most effective methods for solving problems in the village. The benefits of the activities that have been carried out are to provide new knowledge and skills regarding the tilapia fish breeding with the Mina Padi system


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