Teknologi Pemanfaatan Limbah Kulit Kopi Melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan Kompos


  • Desi Maulida Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Lisa Erfa
  • Ferziana Ferziana
  • Yusanto Yusanto


The implementation of technology transfer activities on coffee leather composting is done in Pekon Purawiwitan, Kebun Tebu District, West Lampung Regency. The purpose of this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of making compost for coffee farmers, improve the quality of compost produced, and apply the results of research studies on composting coffee waste to the coffee farmer and reduce farmers in the release of chemical fertilizers. This method of applying to the community is to use counseling methods, technical assistance and learning by doing. Transfer of science and technology is done through technology transfer, discussion, the practice of making compost. Giving material about the benefits of using coffee leather compost, nutrients contained in coffee skin compost, and how to make compost by using coffee leather waste raw materials. Demonstrations were carried out by practicing composting by using raw materials for coffee waste, cow manure, bran, EM4, Molasses, and water. The results of dedication activities in the form of increasing knowledge of Pekon Purawiwitan farmers about coffee waste compost from 4% to 93% were marked by farmers who took part in assisting in the manufacture of coffee waste, using coffee waste into compost. The skills of farmers who become mentoring participants in the utilization of increased waste are characterized by a percentage of success in making compost reaching 93%.


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