Pelatihan Pembuatan Dan Aplikasi Pestisida Nabati Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Sayuran Organik Di Pekon Hanakau Kabupaten Lampung Barat


  • Raida Kartina Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Ferziana Ferziana
  • Iwan Gunawan


The Suka Makmur Farmer Group currently uses synthetic pesticides because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of farmer group members in controlling pest and disease attacks using vegetable pesticides, lack of ability to apply organic cultivation techniques and inability to make organic cultivation inputs such as vegetable pesticides which have ease in the manufacturing process and low cost.  The target of this activity is the availability of technology to reduce the use of synthetic/chemical pesticides, reduce production costs by making their pesticides, and form groups that produce vegetable pesticides and the formation of organic pesticide sales business units. This activity produces output (1). Community groups of farmers producing organic vegetables and (2). Community groups of farmers producing organic pesticides and organic pesticide production business groups. The approach method and plan offered for solving the problem divided into several activities, namely: (1). Extension / monologue, (2). Demonstration of making organic pesticides.  The implementation of this activity attended by 15 participants with a high school level of 5 people and a junior high school with ten people. Based on the results of the initial evaluation it was found that 13 participants in the farmer group did not know and had never used vegetable pesticides during farming. Farmers always cultivate land in each planting season by planting vegetables. Two participants answered that they were familiar with vegetable pesticides. After being given counseling, five people answered the same question with a value of 90. All participants (15 people) were interested and wanted to try the practice of making and using vegetable pesticides.


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