Penerapan Teknologi Produksi Benih Padi Bersertifikat Pada Kelompok Tani Tajuk Lestari dan Sidomulyo 2


  • Jaenuin Kartahadimaja Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Eka Erlinda Syuriani Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Siti Novrida Andini Politeknik Negeri Lampung


One strategy to achieve food sovereignty, especially rice, can be achieved through seed and seed revitalization. The role of farmer groups in the sub-system of rice seed production and distribution at the regional level is very potential. Nationally, 2016 rice seeds are needed around 304.000 tons of rice seeds, while for the needs of rice seeds in Lampung in 2015 reached 13.211 tons. This is a very prospective business opportunity in the field of seed. Tajuk Lestari and Sidomulyo Farmers Groups in Girikarto, Sekampung, East Lampung Regency manage ± 25 Ha of paddy fields. Every year they produce ± 275 tons of rice for consumption. There is a very large difference in the selling price between consumption rice and seed rice that passed the certification. The problem is that farmers do not have sufficient knowledge and skills to produce quality rice seeds. The goal of PKM is to improve the theoretical skills and technical skills of producing certified rice seeds for Tajuk Lestari and Sidomulyo farmer groups rice seeds on land owned by three participating farmers. PKM results show (1) there is a change in the mastery of real knowledge and skills; (2) Transfer of technology through the making of demonstration plots is very effective in changing the mastery of knowledge and skills of the target audience.


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