Penyuluhan Aplikasi Teknologi Rorak Untuk Meminimalkan Kerusakan Tanah Akibat Erosi Pada Kebun Kopi Kelompok Tani Kth Bina Wana


  • Yonathan Prapasan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Rijadi Subiantoro Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Fatahillah Fatahillah Politeknik Negeri Lampung


Community service activities about the application of rorak technology to overcome erosion problems in the coffee plantations of the Farmers' Group of KTH Bina Wana in Pekon Tribudi Syukur, Kebun Tebu Sub-District, West Lampung, has been held for 5 months since June up to September 2018. This activity is intended to encrease knowledge of group members in applying rorak technology for coofee plantation. The methods consisted of counseling with lectures, field demonstrations in the farmer's garden, guidance and monitoring during the activity. The successed of the program is the measured by  first, middle and final evaluation. First evaluation carry out before discussing about  understanding of rorak technology applications. During the activity, an evaluation process was carried out, the purpose of which was to find out the activeness and attention of the participants for all the material provided. Final evaluation is done after the activity is completed. The results of the activity indicate that the knowledge and understanding of the farmers towards the implementation of the development of rorak technology to minimize soil damage due to erosion in coffee plantations has increased.


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