Penyuluhan Budidaya Pisang Sebagai Tanaman Sela Kopi Di Pekon Rigis Jaya Lampung Barat


  • Rizka Novi Sesanti Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Hilman Hidayat
  • Siti Novrida Andini


Community service activities in Harapan Jaya Farmers Group Pekon Rigis Jaya, Air Hitam District, West Lampung, regarding the implementation of banana cultivation technology as intercrops in coffee plantations was conducted. The aims of this activity was to increase the knowledge of members of the Harapan Jaya farmer group about the cultivation of bananas as intercrops in coffee plantations. The method used is counseling and discussion. Evaluation is done at the beginning and end of the activity by giving a questionnaire. The ability to answer the questionnaire illustrates the success of the activity. Based on the results of the study, the knowledge of the members of the Harapan Jaya farmer group about the techniques of banana cultivation as intercrops in coffee plantations increased from 77.6% to 90.3%.


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