Penerapan Teknologi Konservasi Lahan Dan Peningkatan Produktivitas Sayuran Organik Berbasis Biomassa Azolla Di Dusun Bangun Jaya Pekon Hanakau Lampung Barat


  • Iwan Gunawan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Hery Sutrisno Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Raida Kartina
  • Rianida Tasia


The downstreaming of the results of this study aims to increase knowledge and motivate farmers in applying organic vegetable cultivation systems that support soil and water conservation.  The method used in this activity is the method of educating the community through lectures, question and answer and discussions about land conservation, making azolla compost, making organic pesticides and cultivating organic vegetables.  During the first visit, the overall implementation of counseling was carried out. At the second meeting, an extension lecture was held (giving material) about the application of soil and water conservation techniques, the introduction and prospects for using Azolla aquatic plants, which were all followed by demonstrations of azolla compost making and the manufacture of vegetable pesticides, as well as organic vegetable cultivation techniques.  The results of the final evaluation show that the participants' knowledge of the principles of soil and water conservation, the introduction and prospects for the use of Azolla compost organic fertilizer, the manufacture of vegetable pesticides, and the techniques of organic vegetable cultivation increased well. Participant farmers in Pekon Hanakau realize that dependence on inorganic fertilizers and pesticides can be reduced with organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides. They also realized that the practice of vegetable cultivation that had been carried out had not supported the concept of soil and water conservation


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