Pengembangan Klaster Industri Kecil Rotan di Lampung Selatan
This study aims to identify the determinants of successful development of Rattan Industry Cluster in South Lampung. The variables used as determinants of successful development of Industrial Cluster Rotan in South Lampung is Cooperation entrepreneurs rattan furniture with suppliers, cooperation entrepreneurs rattan furniture with consumers, government support, the support of research institutions, support of financial institutions, the role of trade associations, Role transportation service providers, Role great company, physical infrastructure, skills and expertise are management owned rattan enterprises, innovation, research and development and the existence of markets Local, Regional and Global Power of quality, uniqueness, power supplier and the availability of materials, application of computer technology, the skills of human resources, economies of scale and ability to recruit employees. These variables are derived from the results of previous studies such as successful development of Rattan Industry Cluster in Cirebon, the successful development ofSME clusters in Europe and determinants of successful development of clusters that have been defined Bappenas. To find the critical success factors Rattan Industry Clusterdevelopment in South Lampung used statistical tools multi-variate analysis ofinterdependence, such as factor analysis (factor Analysis). The results showed 18 variables were identified as critical success variables Rattan Industry Cluster development of South Lampung, only 9 variables considered worthy as a determinant variable. Of the nine variables studied was formed into 3 factors, Resources and Support, External Networks, Internal Networks and Partnerships.Keywords: Key success factor, Cluster, success rattan industryUnduhan
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