Pengaruh Metode Debat Format APS terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa SMA Pelita Kecamatan Bangunrejo Kabupaten Lampung Tengah
Targets of the research activities Effect of methods debate format APS to increase the ability to speak English High School Students Pelita in District Bangun Rejo Central Lampung regency is an increase in the ability to speak English High school students Pelita and increased knowledge of High School Students Pelita about methods of debate format APS, besides the participants felt to learn in an atmosphere of fun and not depressed. Learning to speak English using Australian Parliamentary Debate format System (APS) is one of the effective ways to apply in learning to speak English. This research was conducted in SMA Pelita Bangun Rejo for 5 months ie from April to August 2016. This study used a pretest and posttest value in the form using English practice tests done by each student to come forward to speak English. The method in this study using a model Quasi experimental design or Design of Experiments Semu. The study design using only one group is considered as an experimental group and a control group . The study population was all students in grade 10 SMA Pelita 2nd half of 40 students from the first grade. Collecting data in this study to collect data early achievement English speaking ability of students, by the way each studentto come forward to speak Inggrissampai three times to determine the stability and clarity of the circumstances of the group before being treated. This research resulted in the finding that the method is more appropriate APS debate format is used for students to improve the ability to speak EnglishKeywords: debate, talk, pre-test, post-testUnduhan
Wibowo, Y.W.A dan Murtopo, A. Pengaruh Metode Debat Format APS Terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara...
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian V Polinela 2016
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