Aplikasi Pupuk Organik dan Anorganik dalam Budidaya Bawang Putih Varietas Lumbu Hijau
An experiment was conducted in dry season on the usage of chicken manure and NPK dosage in the cultivation of lumbu hijau garlic (Allium sativum) in the villagePandanrejo, Bumiaji, Batu Municipality to determine the most appropriate combination dosage of organic and inorganic fertilizers for garlic cultivation. The Randomized Block design was used with three replications. The experiment consisted of six dosage combinations of chicken manure and N, P, K dosages. The garlic seedlings were planted in 1,3 m x 3 m experimental plots at 10 cm x 15 cm planting distance. The result showed that the treatment with 30 t.ha-1chicken manure, and 80 kg N, 20 kg P2O5, 65 kg K2O per hectare could yield a production of 1,472 kg per 0.78 m2or 15,097 t.ha-1. Keyword : Aplication, garlic, lumbu hijauUnduhan
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