Efisiensi Usahatani Padi Organik di Kecamatan Candipuro
The organik farming began to be applied by farmers in Candipuro District to improve the quality of organik rice plants and hopes to increase their farm income. This study purpose to analyze the efficiency of organik rice varieties of mentik susu. The method of implementation uses the survey method. The research location was determined purposived based on organik rice planting clusters in Candipuro District. The results of the analysis and discussion show that organik rice farming is more efficient in managing the farm. This is indicated by the greater efficiency of organik rice, which is 2.45 compared to nonorganik rice, which is 2.33. Overall organik rice farming run by farmers is feasible to run economically. Keywords : Efficiency farming, Organik rice, Mentik Susu VarietyUnduhan
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The organik farming began to be applied by farmers in Candipuro District to improve the
quality of organik rice plants and hopes to increase their farm income. This study purpose to
analyze the efficiency of organik rice varieties of mentik susu. The method of implementation
uses the survey method. The research location was determined purposived based on organik
rice planting clusters in Candipuro District. The results of the analysis and discussion show
that organik rice farming is more efficient in managing the farm. This is indicated by the
greater efficiency of organik rice, which is 2.45 compared to nonorganik rice, which is 2.33.
Overall organik rice farming run by farmers is feasible to run economically.
Keywords : Efficiency farming, Organik rice, Mentik Susu Variety