Efikasi Ekstrak Buah Makasar (Bruceae Javanica L. merr.) untuk Mengendalikan Larva Spodoptera litura f.


  • Hamdani Hamdani Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Dedi Supriyatdi Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan Politeknik Negeri Lampung
  • Febrina Delvitasari Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Perkebunan Politeknik Negeri Lampung




The S. litura larvae often cause damage to the leaves of legume, corn, rice, onion, lettuce, mustard, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, and banana leaves. In general, people use synthetic insecticides to control it, although it is proven to cause environmental pollution, the emergence of resistance and pest resurgence. To reduce these impacts, it is necessary to look for alternative control methods that are safe, effective, and compatible with Integrated Pest Management techniques. Alternative controls that meet these criteria include botanical insecticides, because they are more specific, do not pollute the environment, are easily degraded in nature, and do not quickly cause resistance. Simaroubaceae family plants contain pesticides with active quasinoid compounds. One species of Simaroubaceae is Brucea javanica (L.) Merr. which is known as the Makasar fruit which contains alkaloid compounds, quassinoids (Bruceantine, bruceantinol, brusatol, bruceine), polyphenols, tannins and essential oils. Four quasinoid compounds from Samadera indica namely indakuasin, samaderin A, B, and C are inhibiting food, slowing development, and causing pupa death from Spodoptera litura caterpillar F. To control S. litura larvae in various plants and further research and development needs, then conducted a study "Effication of Macassar Fruit Extracts (Bruceae javanicaL. Merr.) to Control S. litura Larvae". The study used a randomized design with seven treatments and four replications. The seven treatments are fresh makasar fruit boiled extract, dry skinless makasar fruit boiled extract, dry skinned makasar fruit boiled extract, fresh makasar fruit fermented extract, skinless dry makasar fruit fermented extract, makasar dry skinned fruit fermented extract, and synthetic Lamda fruit insecticide cyhalothrin (as a control) with four replications. Fermentation extract is quite effective and can cause mortality of 61.7% to 63.3%. Boiled extract is less effective than boiled extract, which is only capable of causing 40.0% to 41.6% mortality. Keywords: macasar fruit, S. litura, vegetable insecticides


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