Potensi Wisata Bahari Pulau Pasaran Bandar Lampung
Bandar Lampung city has Market Island known as anchovy production centers in Lampung. There are several types of fish are produced on the island Market such as anchovies rice, anchovies jeans, nylon anchovies, anchovies and anchovies puntiaw frog. Not only fish, potential markets are very diverse island including mussels, grouper, snapper, mangrove, and the unique culture that everyone can be an attraction of the island markets are making it possible to become a travel commodity. Not to mention the public activities in catching fish, squid and other fish. This study aimed to identify the potential for marine tourism owned by Island Market. The research was conducted using survey and interview techniques. The results are then reported descriptively. Island Market has great potential as an area for marine tourism city of Bandar Lampug. With business promotion, improvement of facilities, and the partnership is expected to attract tourists to visit the island Market so as to improve the incomes and welfare Island Market.Keywords: marine tourism, Market Island, LampungDownloads
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