Kajian Adaptasi Teknologi Spesifik Lokasi Pada Ternak Kambing Yang Dipelihara Oleh Petani Kakao Di Lampung
A study of the adaptation of several local specific technologies have been done in the Pesawaran regency on Etawah grade (Peranakan Etawah = PE) goats raised by cocoa farmers using cocoa pods by product and forages from the cocoa shading plants (Gliricidiae and Leucaena) as the basal feed. In the present study, the management technology of reproduction and production are introduced which cover an ad libitum feeding of the complete feedsupplement block (Blok Suplemen Pakan = BSP) to male and female goats at different physiological status, and feeding a formulated complete feed supplement as a concentrate to female goats at 1 - 2 months before being bred naturally by introduced ram, and at the last 2 - 3 months of pregnancy up to the time of giving birth and during the lactation period. Thecomplete feed supplement which was formulated using locally available feedstuffs are given to goats raised by 25 cooperating farmers in each of the study locations. Data observed in animals raised by cooperating farmers are compared to those observed from animals receiving only a NaCl salt supplement (control). Results obtained in this assessment activityshowed that the ad libitum feeding of the BSP increased (P<0.05) average daily gain (ADG) of both male and female goats averaging 82.3 for males and 56,4 for females. Furthermore feeding concentrate to females at the last 2 - 3 months of pregnancy and during the lactation period also increased (P<0,05) birth weight of newborns and the ADG of the pre-weaningkids. The average birth weight of newborns is 3.37 kg (vs. 3.12 kg control) and the ADG of pre-weaning kids is 124.6 g (vs. 111.2 g control).Key words : Goat, Technology adaptation, Local specific, Cocoa plantation.Downloads
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