Evaluasi Kinerja Mesin Pemeras Tebu Untuk Produksi Gula Cair


  • D. A. Budiman Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • Ahmad Asari Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian




Sugars are simple carbohydrates into energy sources and major commodities. Sugar traded in the form of crystalline solids sucrose, needs in 2015 reached 2.58 million tons / year. bHowever, when consumed by most households, food and beverage industry of high returns in bthe form of liquid sugar. Liquid sugar demand in 2013 reached 20 thousand tons / year.Manufacture of liquid sugar (high fructose syrup) can be done by using a cane squeezer bmachine, purifying machine, liquid cane sugar cooking machine and eliminate the activities of crystallization. Indonesian Center for Agricultural Engineering Research and Development (ICAERD) support for programs to increase production of liquid sugar is done by developing a package of liquid cane sugar processing a Cane squeezer machine toscale farmer groups. Sugarcane squeezer machine developed tailored to the size of the average production of sugar cane farmers, namely the capacity from 4.8 to 5.2 tons / day. The prototype uses a cane squeezer machine power 11 hp - 3 cylindrical roller presses - 35 sd 40 rpm. Roll the top can be set away from the bottom rollers adapted to stage the size of the pressing is done. How to feed sugar cane is still done manually and cane squeezed asmuch as 2-4 times (raw sap is up). From the test results cane squeezer machine, raw sap output capacity of 1440 - 1728 liters / day with an efficiency of 32.0% and yield squeeze juice ripe for 216-259 liters / day with the yield on the level of ≥ 65% sugar content of 15- 16% . Needs fuel (diesel) at 1.24 liters / hour and the cost of manufacture of liquid canesugar Rp 351,000.Keywords: evaluation squeezer machine. sugarcane


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