Penerapan Alsin Budidaya Jagung Pada Lahan Kering Di Kp BBP Mektan Serpong


  • D. A. Budiman Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian
  • A. Asari Balai Besar Pengembangan Mekanisasi Pertanian



Corn is the second priority of the national food after rice and must be maintained self supporting. National production of corn has reached 19.5 million tons, or have a surplus of 4, 3 million tons. However, as the population growth of 1.14% / year, the shortage of labor in tillage activities until the land is ready for planting and climate change may lead to delaysin planting and crop failures that have an impact on the decline in corn production, the use of technology of agricultural machinery for corn cultivation in dry land is absolutely necessary. Purpose of applying technology of technology of machinery in KP Mektan are: 1. Test the corn cultivation in the dry season with the support agricultural machinery in dry KP BBP Mektan, 2. Test the application of technology agriculturak machinery, ranging from tillage, planting, irrigation, weeding, eradication of pests / diseases, harvesting and corn sheller and corn farming efficiency 3. Calculate supported by the application of Agricultural machinery. The method used is to create and implement timely planting schedule, perform the implementation stages agricultural machinery on corn cultivation and financial analysis.The production of dried corn in dry season of 7.240 tons / ha with a profit of Rp 14.5135 million / ha and B / C ratio of 1.1 BEP 48 hours / year or 0.8 ha / year and 78.42% IRR. While the plot farmers in the production of corn 3.87 tonnes / ha with a profit of Rp 5.93325 million / kg, B / C ratio of 1.21, the BEP 6 hours / year or 0.8 ha / year and 31.62% IRR. Application Agricultural machinery on corn cultivation make dry land in the dry season,  they can be productive and avoid land crop failure. Application Agricultural machinery inthe Mektan KP BBP, an alternative solution to increase corn production in dry land in the dry season.Keywords: corn cultivation, the implementation of agricultural machinery, dry land dryseason.


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